Hands off Glebe Membership Form
HANDS OFF GLEBE is an incorporated community association which campaigns:
- Against overdevelopment and high rise in Glebe.
- For decent public housing in Glebe.
- To protect the low income community of glebe
- Tor preserving the historic townscape of Glebe
Hands off Glebe publishes the Glebe Grapevine
You can join the Hands off Glebe by filling in the form below and sending an annual membership fee of $5.
Name: ——————————————————————-
Address —————————————————————
Postcode: —————————————————
Email: —————————————–
Date —————————————————
Can you help with distributing the Glebe Grapevine? YES/NO
Please send this form and $5 to Hands off Glebe, PO Box 145 Glebe NSW 2037
or copy and paste to an email to:
or contact: Denis on 0418 290 663 or Julie 0426 503 351