Action Bidura

Give Bidura back to the Community


Bidura Sold!

Bidura, the heritage house at 357 Glebe Point Road which has been a children’s home and later a Children’s Court since 1920, has been sold off for $33 million by the Baird Government without any consultation with our community. The sale includes the modern building behind the heritage house.

The private developer has said he will build 100 units on the site!

The Baird Government wants to pack and stack us into our suburb. But Glebe is known as a village and Baird’s policies will destroy the village!

Voice your opposition to this sale and
send the Baird Government this leaflet (see overleaf)



He and his Government are making sure that Glebe residents
and public housing tenants will have their Christmas
spoiled by their anti-people policies


Dear Premier Baird,

We strongly object to the sell off of Bidura in Glebe Point Road in secret and without consultation or respect for local residents.

This property could have been used by your Government for a number of much needed community amenities rather than being sold off to the private sector. Bidura could have renovated to provide:

  • Social and affordable housing for some of the thousands on the waiting list.
  • A community facility –leave it as a Children’s Court !
  • An education facility
  • an arts or cultural centre

Instead of thinking of the people’s needs, you have flogged this wonderful building off to a developer who will see it only as a source of profit, not a community asset.

We call on you to reverse this decision. Keep Bidura in public hands and develop it to meet people’s needs.

While your Government continues to see property as a source of revenue and continues to ignores community views and needs, we will do all in our power to unseat you come the March 2015 election.

Signed ________________________________________




Send to: NSW Premier Baird, Parliament House, Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Authorised by Hands off Glebe, PO Box 45, Glebe NSW 2037. E: