May 2017
What to you want to happen
at the Bays Precinct?
A crowded community meeting on May 3 decided to develop a Community Master Plan for the Bays Market District which covers the Sydney Fish Market, land under the ANZAC Bridge along Bank Street Pyrmont, the first stage of a Bays Waterfront Promenade along Bank Street, and connections to Wentworth Park (see map on page 4).
Please complete the community survey on pages 2 and 3 and return it by Friday 16 June.
The results will be collated and a draft Community Master Plan prepared.
Copies will be available at Jamie Parker’s office at 112a Glebe Point Road from Monday June 26
Our Community Master Plan will be finalised at a public meeting on Wednesday 12 July at 6pm at the Glebe Youth Service, 84 Glebe Point Road.
UrbanGrowth NSW, the government’s development agency, wants to redevelop the ‘Bays Market District’, which includes the Sydney Fish Market, land under the ANZAC Bridge along Bank Street in Pyrmont, connections to Wentworth Park and future water uses in Blackwattle Bay. (see map on page 4).
Tell us what you think:
- Which of these possible impacts of the new ‘Market District’ are you most concerned about? Circle up to 3.
Cutting down some of the trees that line Wentworth Park
Losing some green space in Wentworth Park
Wentworth Park being shaded by high rise on four sides
Increased risk of pollution into Blackwattle Bay
Problems parking/entering the water/foreshore and other amenities
Threat of fish markets noise/smell entering the school
Traffic and parking / lack of public transport
Other ……………………………………………………….
- Would you agree to high rise buildings (retail space below, private units above) on the old fish market site?
Yes / No
Other: ……………………………………………………….
- If high rise housing is built at the old Fish Market site, what percentage of affordable and social housing would you like to see included?
[UrbanGrowth wants to build private high rise apartments on the old Fish Market site and had said it will include 5% ‘affordable’ housing. They have no commitment to public housing]
5% affordable housing Yes / No
20% affordable housing Yes / No
5% public housing Yes / No
20% public housing Yes / No
Other: (free text)
- Where would you prefer to see the fish markets moved from its current location?
To the old Bay Power Station (located on Rozelle’s foreshore)
Towards the school (current location of Hanson cement)
Towards the old Glebe Island Bridge
Somewhere else ……………………………………………………………
- What do you think should be done with the Hanson cement site?
- What do you think about the idea of having a pedestrian bridge connecting Wentworth Park to the foreshore?
[UrbanGrowth talks about ‘connecting Wentworth Park with the new Bays Market District’. A pedestrian bridge over Bridge Road connecting the foreshore to Wentworth Park is one idea.]
I can live with it if it means the park is kept whole
No – don’t close any street near the market
Other ………………………………………………………………
- How would you like to see the location of the current Fish Markets and the area along Wentworth Park foreshore developed?
8 Do you use Wentworth Park now? If so, how much and what for?
Your details
Postcode …………………………………
Name ………………………………………
Email ……………………………………….
Tell us what you want
Please fill out the survey on pages 2 and 3 and/or reply on extra pages and return them by Friday June 16.
You can post them to
Jamie Parker MP, 112A Glebe Point Road, Glebe 2037
Hands off Glebe, Box 145, Glebe NSW 2037
You can drop them off at:
Jamie Parker’s office, 112a Glebe Pt Rd
IGA (near Commonwealth Bank) Glebe Point Road
Friendly Grocer (near Wigram Rd) Glebe Point Road
The Little Bottle Shop, cnr Forsyth Street and Glebe Point Road
Have a Chat Cafe, The Old Fire Station, 113 Mitchell Street