Commuters are continuing to fight the privatisation of Sydney’s Inner West Public Buses. Glebe Residents, RTBU-Bus Division, CPA Maritime and the local Member Jamie Parker Greens MP staged a protest at one of the busiest bus stops on Thursday 5th April 2018, and plan to continue to hold these protests on following Thursdays.
Hands of Glebe organised the action at the bus stop on Parramatta Road near Bay Street.
Over one third of Sydney’s buses are due to be privatised on the 1 July. The Transport Minister’s decision will see 1,200 bus drivers’ jobs threatened across the inner west bus region. On top of job threats, Transit Systems, which has won the contract for the inner west region, is planning on recruiting bus drivers from overseas.
The Secretary of Hands Off Glebe, Emily Bullock, said the privatisation of the inner west buses is part of a war on Sydney’s public transport.
“The privatisation of the inner west bus region will see an increase in fares, cancellations and delays.
“The privatisation of Sydney’s ferries saw increases in fares, two times the number of trips cancelled and a 36% increase in delays, all within the first year.
“Mike Baird promised that the privatisation of Newcastle’s buses would result in ‘better and more frequent’ services,” Ms Bullock said.
“Instead it has resulted in many commuters needing to catch two or three buses, when previously only one bus was needed. The new Sydney metro line is set to be the next casualty in this fight.
About Hands Off Glebe:
Hands off Glebe is an incorporated voluntary group meeting monthly in Glebe. Its ideals include expansion of public housing, protection of heritage, public discussion of development proposals; full community consultation by government; commitment to a liveable inner city environment for all residents and information sharing to all who live in our area.