Glebe Grapevine

April 2019 Grapevine – Waterloo model

A better way for Waterloo

The Grapevine enthusiastically supports the Sydney City Council (SCC) alternative proposal for redevelopment of the Waterloo public housing estate. The Council model is a great improvement on the Cowper Street development.

The Government wants to triple the number of apartments on the site at a scale we have not seen before – from 2,012 to 6,800 in towers up to 40 storeys. On the adjoining metro site, they are proposing another 700 homes and towers of 25, 27 and 29 storeys.

The Council plan is for 50% public housing, 20% affordable and 30% private. This compares with the Government’s pitiful proposal of 35% social and affordable housing.

The SCC proposal ensures residents will have access to a community centre and a 2.2 hectare park, drenched in sunshine for most of the day, every day. The park would be surrounded by shops and cafes, the metro station and streets.

The Waterloo Housing Estate is on public land and Sydney Council is demanding that the land be used for public good and that the State retains public ownership of the land rather than selling it off to the highest bidder.

Council is also calling for planning authority of the site to be returned to the City, allowing consultation with residents to ensure any redevelopment responds to community needs.

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