
An open letter to the NSW Premier at the time of the Covid-19 Crisis

Dear all,

please download this letter and send off to the premier or make a version of your own to suit what you want to say.

from the Hands off Glebe Team

To: The Premier

The Hon Ms Gladys Berejiklian

GPO Box 5341



Dear Premier,

Must we burn off all our resources on exorbitant projects?

In view of the multiple crises which have befallen NSW since around September 2019, namely drought, bushfire, flooding and coronavirus (Covid-19), it is time to stop the reckless spending on infrastructure that does not help the ordinary people of NSW but assists the wealthy.  We speak of the massive roads and tunnels in different parts of Sydney, various sporting arenas and other “developments”.  As a basic premise anything that hasn’t started now must be halted and any attempt by private companies to exact penalties to be met with exclusion from further contracts by the NSW Government.  Projects that are nearing completion may proceed if they do not rob the people of NSW much needed resources for sustaining us in the crisis.

As residents of Glebe and the Inner West we point out that the Fish Market can be easily put on hold.  The Prince’s Trust project at the end of Cowper St which was always a ‘dog’s breakfast’ can be stopped completely as it harms social housing tenants, who are most in need of good housing for surviving the pandemic.  The huge flyover at the corner of Minogue Terrace can be dispensed with in relation to the Westconnex.  The Northern Suburbs tunnel opening at White Bay has barely started or hasn’t started and can be stopped.  The savings should be diverted to dealing with the pandemic.

First, our hospitals need extension with demountables as the Chinese have done in Hubei Province to make more beds available.  Health workers in all institutions will need some relief and support.  Every effort must be made to find more health workers and those with some knowledge of first aid to do the basic tests and to triage potential patients.  The list is great of what is needed in our health care system, but the State Government should not be distracted with huge projects that rob our people of needed resources for health and well-being.

The homeless, are less able to practice social distance, need emergency homes as organisations like Homelessness NSW has been calling for again, demountables and a thorough check of what public housing lies vacant could provide answers.

Our workers in State Departments must be sustained/maintained on a living wage to get them through the crisis and to pay bills for rent, food and other necessities.  The state must also devise ways to support those on casual and gig economy jobs to get through this crisis.

Given the task ahead it is important that the State resources are concentrated on providing assistance to NSW to get over the crisis brought on by Covid-19.

Yours sincerely




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