Glebe NSW 2037
Pictures of the site as it as present:
Introduction It is most important that we do lodge objections to this DA. There is no guarantee that a new ALP State Government will reverse any decision of the council/planning committee on this site. We need to get as many objections into council by 15th March as we can.
Visit DA page on Council Site:
It is most important that all objections are not the same.
Take these steps
- Decide on an issue/issues
- Take some notice of items under the heading of your choice below.
- Then write an objection – can be as little as several paragraphs – you can go to a longer submission.
- Email your objection asap before March 15
- Let us know that you have sent in an objection. (
People orientated reasons. – why disturb people who have lived in the building for decades? Badly affects the mental health of tenants The need for immediate housing so great these units should be 100% filled now. 1500 people have signed a petition to stop the demolition. It’s also family unfriendly, the present building includes some 3 bedroom flats the new building only has studios, 1 and 2 bedroom flats.
Environmental reasons – There is stored carbon in the building and more carbon is to be used to rebuild. The site was previously a paint factory and lead works. The proposed excavation may release contaminants.
Cost reasons -. The building will cost $21,723,996. The present the building has flats with a total of 27 bedrooms, the new building has flats with a total of 53 bedrooms. It is only an increase of 26 bedrooms. Do the maths, it’s over $835,000 per bedroom. The LAHC could buy 20 family homes for that cost which would house 60. Add the 26 already equals 85 people housed vs the 53 promised by this building. This project does not add up! Must be stopped. Invest sensibly to increase those being housed.
Architectural reasons
The building is a specially designed fit for purpose piece of architecture by the former Housing Commission’s Inner City Housing Team which was led by John Gregory. The building is not run down, it is only 35 years old. It was designed at a time when it was thought public housing should not look like public housing. The building was designed to fit in with Glebe’s Lyndhurst Heritage Conservation area by echoing the pitched rooves of Glebe’s terrace houses rising up the escarpment from Wentworth Park. Many of the flats have private gardens. It is well built and could be refurbished at far less cost than demolition. The current building does not cover the whole site. On the western end there is at least 500 square metres of open space and some potential exists to provide additional accommodation on the site.
Engagement non existant
Engagement with the community was secretive and almost non-existent. It ignores that there was petition which 1500, a protest bbq, and numerous other items of protests by the community. A resolution from a public meeting sent to the Minister. All items that are not mentioned.
Send your feedback
Write out your objections to the DA and go to the end of the DA page on the DA called D/2023/21 (82 Wentworth Pk Road, Glebe) Find this yellow shape at the end of the DA application
Click on the comment on this application and you will directed to agree to a statement of privacy etc, once you agree you will be directed to an email that looks like this:
Subject: Submission – D/2023/21 – 82 Wentworth Park Road GLEBE NSW 2037 – Attention Matthew Girvan
What you will be saving us from: