Housing Crisis – Action Needed Now
Dear Premier Barry O’Farrell,
Re: The Cowper Street Development (The Glebe Affordable Housing Project)
The depths of the Housing Crisis have been revealed by an Anglicare Report released 13th April, here are the sobering statistics:
1. 600,000 Australian families are in rental stress paying more than 30% of income on rent.
2. 200,000 Affordable Housing units were needed nationwide
3. OF THE 9400 properties advertised for rent in the Sydney region on a weekend this month only 72 were affordable for people on the age or disability pension or the single-parent payment.
4. NOT ONEwas available for someone on a newstart allowance, even if they were prepared to share and move to the Blue Mountains, Gosford or Ulladulla.
5. The NSW Government is getting out of housing and transferring its responsibilities to a number of charitable organizations of questionable ability.
Given these startling statistics
We ask:
Why are the dwellings of 289 people being bulldozed in Cowper Street?
With the outlay of a few hundred thousand dollars these dwellings could be made livable for the long term resolution of the housing crisis.
We want:
· No demolition without building DA’s to quickly replace housing lost.
· Immediate investment of a few hundred thousand dollars into the housing needs now
· A guarantee that any development at Cowper/Wentworth/Elger Streets be made available for 100% public housing and affordable housing.
· No privatization of public land!