Westmoreland St

Council responds about changes to Westmoreland St.

Council answers

The City of Sydney is planting trees to improve our streets and increase canopy cover for a greener future.  Trees reduce summer temperatures, improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff and provide habitat for birds and wildlife.


We’re planting trees in new median planter beds throughout our local area. Westmoreland Street, Glebe is the next location in this program. As part of this project, Weeping Lilly Pilly trees will be planted in the median planter beds, and the existing mature figs trees will remain.


In January 2013 the City sent a letter to residents in Westmoreland Street about the project. We received three submissions, and City staff worked with the community to address any concerns.


The proposal was endorsed by the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee in March 2013. The Committee is made up of representatives from NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services, State Transit and local state Members of Parliament. Endorsement by the committee ensures the new garden beds meet regulations and national standards for roads and vehicle access.


We will let the community know when construction will begin.


If you have any questions this tree-planting program, please call Deborah Law on 02 9265 9333.