82 Wentworth Park Rd Glebe
Which would you prefer?
Check the images above: 82 Wentworth Park Road as it is today or the impression of the new building as planned by the Land and Housing Corporation.
The Local Planning Panel (LPP) met on 13 December to consider the DA which authorises the demolition and rebuild of 82 Wentworth Park Road.
Hands off Glebe members and supporters rallied outside the Town Hall and some then gave evidence to the LPP.
The four member panel was divided with two members voting against and two for. The DA was only carried on the chairperson’s casting vote.
This is a setback, but we intend to continue the campaign to save 82 and to convince the ALP Government in NSW to adopt the new approach to renovating instead of evicting and demolishing.
We are grateful to all the members and supporters of Hands off Glebe, the Glebe Society and Action for Public Housing who have put their hearts into efforts to save 82 Wentworth Park Road.
The City of Sydney has passed a resolution recommending that regeneration of public housing should be like the alternative plan proposed by the Glebe Society/Hands off Glebe model.
The next stage of our campaign is a direct appeal to Minister Rose Jackson who has the final say on this project. For this we need you to take action again. We ask for an avalanche of appeals to the Minister to reverse the decision
Appeal to the Minister:
We cannot tell you what to say but we can suggest that items that you might mention. Please add your own insights.
Step 1:
Gather your ideas – How sorry we are to see such a handsome building go, sorry that people will not be housed for several years, in a housing crisis surely the solution is not to demolish good buildings, a lick of paint and lift would get 82 wpr up and running, you are being poorly advised. Who knows what will happen in building over the next 2-3 years – shortages, labour/skill, what is underneath when you start excavating?
Step 2:
Appeal for a change of heart.
There are other nearby places where the Dept could devote $25 mill to for example the old Fish Market site, the White Bay area. Please house people as soon as possible. Stand up for the environment – there is a lot of stored carbon in that site.
Step 3
Open the ‘contact the Minister page’ use this link
Fill in the required information and submit your request for a reversal of the approval for 82 Wentworth Park Rd’s demolition. This is urgent. Do it as a Christmas present to Ms Rose Jackson.